Choose Life At Whatever Risk

The greatest risk in life is to risk nothing at all

Saturday Sep 03, 2022 to Saturday Sep 10, 2022


This group is an experiential group by which I mean that the focus is on ‘what is experienced’ - thoughts, needs, actions, relating and, primarily, emotions.

‘Emotion’ comes from the Latin ‘to move’ (and how perceptive they were in that observation) in that it is our emotions that stir us to action or inaction. When we say we are ‘moved’, we usually mean activated, stirred-up, touched – emotionally - in a way that drives us towards or away from ourselves and others. When we are in touch with our core needs and longings - and if we feel safe enough - we move towards meeting those needs. In essence, the trauma or disappointment of abandonment, neglect, rejection and feeling ‘not-good-enough’ by those we most rely upon leads to distortions of our own worthiness and our expectations of love and care.

My role in the group as therapist/facilitator is to create a safe-enough, egalitarian culture that enables all group members to safely explore their emotions. Specifically, those emotions that get in the way of living a life of quality, based on emotional satisfaction, comfortable relationship to self and others, integrity, and meaningful connection with those people and goals that matter to you. Rigidity and constriction, stereotypical unfelt emotions give way to expansiveness and spontaneity – daring to be alive, choosing risk over dissatisfaction and stagnation. In addition to the use of action methods, the relationships in the group become a powerful and immediate source of emotions and reactions that will enable group members to discover how they impact on others and how others impact on them, thereby improving the quality of relating.

Broadly speaking, potential outcomes of attending this group will be greater awareness of your own emotions and how you manage them, but perhaps the most significant result is moving towards better and deeper emotional connection to yourself and others.

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