How To Fall In Love

A journey to the heart

Saturday May 11, 2019 to Saturday May 18, 2019


Self-love, self-esteem and a good relationship with ourselves are the keys to forming healthy relationships with others.

We’ll explore how to deepen our connection to ourselves, prioritise self-care, build our self-worth and confidence and tune into our intuition. We’ll identify any unhelpful patterns that might be standing in the way of a loving partnership and we’ll understand how to change them.

We’ll also explore letting go - of lost loves, unhelpful beliefs and other blocks - and we’ll practise setting healthy boundaries with ourselves and others. Finally, we’ll create an exciting vision for our lives so that we leave filled with hope and sure of the steps we need to take to create the life and relationship we desire.

This course is ideal for men and women who would like to understand their relationship patterns in order to find love, as well as for those who want to improve and deepen their current relationships and grow in self-esteem.


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01494 765775 or email us at

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