Pure Yoga

Gentle Practice, Self Discovery, Healing, Transformation

Saturday Apr 20, 2019 to Saturday Apr 27, 2019


Enjoy traditional Hatha yoga, balancing our energies using gentle and powerful movement, posture and breath work; stimulating, soothing, opening, lengthening and restoring balance. Then add Pure Yoga as taught by Swami Purohit, a living master of several styles of yoga. Through broad and thorough research, he has developed a style which has powerful effects while being fairly simple to perform, suitable for all ages and abilities from beginner to experienced.

Asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing) practices draw our attention deeply inside, clearing energy pathways and enabling space for dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (enlightenment) to unfold naturally.

Within the perfect stillness at the heart of the Andalucian countryside, enjoy the opportunity to journey deeply into yourself, beyond body and mind. Practice developing physical, mental and emotional strength, stamina and peace.


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Talk with one of our friendly team today

01494 765775 or email us at cr@cortijo-romero.co.uk

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