The Way Of The Heart

The process of human transformation

Saturday Sep 07, 2019 to Saturday Sep 14, 2019


The embodiment of our intrinsic wholeness is a journey not unlike that described by the ancient art of alchemy. Inviting us into the continuous process of transformation that is guided from deep within, it offers an opportunity to utilize the divine spark hidden in our painful experiences for the creation of an awakened state.

Learn to trust this inner call towards transformation and start to surrender to a life-affirming flow that supports and welcomes all that is. The magic elixir is the non-judgmental acceptance and mindfulness of all that we experience.

Unique in its approach, this workshop links the three elements of our human condition: our physiology, psychology and spirituality. Affirming and validating the wisdom of our own body in supporting our human unfoldment, we will use somatic mindfulness tools, devotional practices, movement and sharing in the group to turn our lead into gold.

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